This is going to be a quick post… so sorry, not sorry, for my typos.


November 2nd may go down as one of the best days in Washington sports history, as Forbes broke the new. It could be the best news. The news fans have wanted to hear for years.

Here is the headline Forbes went with to break the story:

I literally started jumping for joy at work, and shouting very loudly.  I didn’t know what to do with my hands.
Then, very quickly, team released a much softer statement.  I’ll admit that it took some wind out of the sails.  The team saying that they are hiring Bank of America to help them look into to consider potential transactions.

There’s a lot of things that this could mean. That the team is looking to sell at least a minority stake in ownership, that they could be looking for partners to help finance the stadium.  We may not know yet, but the team says they are exploring all their options.

This is sure to get interesting and I suspect we will quickly get some clarity as to what’s going on.  But one thing is clear, something big is coming.