Yacht Rock with the Fabulous Mr. Roto

Where in the Mediterranean is Daniel Snyder? Will he stay on his yacht and gamble that the Red Team wins the House and gavels his problems away? We just can’t quit the federal government as we look at the Department of Justice investigating the PGA and their actions over the LIV Deflections. We don’t often cover Agents Behaving Badly but did Casey Close do Freddie Freeman dirty and withhold the final offer from the Hometown Braves? Sports talking head Dog Gottlieb tweeted as much and now he’s looking at a libel suit. We end by discussing the surprise exit of Matthew Berry from ESPN. He is no longer a Company Man (cue music.) Where does the king of Fantasy Football land next? Amazon? NBC? His own empire? We figure whatever it is, he won’t end up on the Hate List.

The Hog Sty Podcast Network · It's Just Business Ep 137 – Yacht Rock with the Fabulous Mr. Roto